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Thank you everyone who submitted written testimony, signed up to testify before the House Appropriations Committee in the General Assembly or was one of more than 550 people who signed the form letter we submitted in support of House Bill 736. If passed, this bill would increase the amount of funding the state would provide for the construction of a new Kent County Middle School!
Voice Recognition
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Early Childhood Education

Teaching and Learning: Providing district leadership, support and accountability — with link

Kent County Public Schools is pleased to offer full-day pre-kindergarten at all three of our elementary schools in addition to kindergarten. The State of Maryland requires children to attend kindergarten before entering first grade.

Kent County Public Schools offers free full-day pre-kindergarten to all children who reside in Kent County and will be 4 years of age on or before Sept. 1. The overall goal of the program is to provide learning experiences to develop and maintain school readiness skills necessary for successful school performance. The program achieves this goal by providing developmentally appropriate experiences that address the cognitive, social, emotional, and physical needs of young children.

Maryland requires children who are 5 years of age by Sept. 1 to register and attend kindergarten before going into first grade. There are some exceptions to the law.

School Registration

Pre-K and Kindergarten Registration with photo of a kindergarten classroom and students

Call your child's home school to schedule an appointment to register for prekindergarten and kindergarten. 

We are asking families to bring their child with them to registration appointments this year.

320 Calvert St.
Chestertown, MD 21620
Phone: 410-778-6890

21203 W. Sharp St.
Rock Hall, MD 21661
Phone: 410-810-2622

114 S. Main St.
Galena, MD 21635
Phone: 410-810-2510

KCPS Registration Forms

Forms Icon

Health Forms

The State of Maryland requires a physical examination by a physician or certified nurse practitioner be completed within nine months prior to entering the public school system or within six months after entering the system.

Evidence of complete primary immunizations against certain childhood communicable diseases is required for all students in preschool through the 12th grade. Click here to view the Maryland Department of Health's Vaccine Requirements for the 2024-25 school year.

The state also requires blood testing for all students who reside in a designated at-risk area when first entering prekindergarten, kindergarten and first grade.

Health icon with heart, syringe and stethoscope
Please download the required forms below from the Maryland Department of Health and have your family medical provider fill them out. Please bring the completed forms in when you register your child for school.

Copies of the forms in Spanish and action plan forms for allergies, asthma and diabetes can be found on the Kent County Health Department's School Health page:

Additional Required Documents

Documents icon
Families should bring to their registration appointment the following documents:

• the child’s birth certificate
• completed Immunization and Health Inventory forms
• proof of residence, such as a utility bill, tax bill or lease agreement
• the child’s Social Security card
• the child's health insurance card
• the parent’s driver’s license or government-issued photo ID
• proof of custody if not a birth parent.

Early Entrance

Kent County Public Schools has developed a process and guidelines for Early Admission to prekindergarten. The purpose is to provide guidelines for enrolling students into pre-K when they do not meet the mandatory age requirement. Applicants for early admission to pre-K will be considered only after all age eligible applicants at the school have been placed in pre-K.