Welcome to Henry Highland Garnet Elementary School! We are a small school in the town of Chestertown with approximately 264 students. Our students come from diverse backgrounds, and many of them live right here in Chestertown. We are a Title I school with Tiger pride!
HHGES Mission Statement
The mission of Henry Highland Garnet Elementary School is to provide a safe and productive learning environment, using rigorous academic experiences that all students can become lifelong learners and responsible citizens
HHGES Vision Statement
Henry Highland Garnet Elementary School Community envisions our school as a place that offers a safe, warm, and welcoming climate that promotes active engagement and responsible risk-taking. This community communicates and collaborates to differentiate learning to meet the needs of all learners.
At Garnet, our teachers have committed to:
• Daily lessons that align to the Maryland College and Career Readiness standards
• Analyze student work and track data to make sure that each student is having his or her needs met
• Active involvement in school and district-wide Professional Learning Communities
• Use manipulatives regularly in math class to build conceptual understanding of big topics
• Communicate with parents and community groups in multiple ways
Located in the heart of historic Chestertown, the name of our school honors Henry Highland Garnet — an abolitionist, educator and orator. As you walk in the front doors of our school, you will see a plaque with his likeness and information about his life. Buzz the door and come into the office to sign in and get welcomed with a smile!
We are very lucky at Garnet Elementary School with the amount of technology we are able to access. Students in grades three to five have a 1:1 ratio of students to devices. Pre-K to second grade is fast approaching that ratio; there are many individual devices and a computer lab in the media center. Students use these devices to access Discovery Education, ConnectEd, Google Docs and several other academic applications. We strive to use our technology wisely, encouraging students to develop the skills necessary to be successful in our society.
Our PTA is an integral part of our school culture. We encourage all parents to attend meetings — it’s a great way to stay involved! Call 410-778-6890 to hear about our next meeting!
Let’s have a great year, Tigers!