Galena Elementary School is located in the town of Galena in Kent County, the smallest school district in the state of Maryland. Galena Elementary School (GALES) is one of three elementary schools in Kent County Public Schools. GALES serves approximately 279 students in grades pre-kindergarten through fifth grade. The district Language Support classroom for elementary students is also a part of Galena Elementary School.
GALES is a Title I/ESSA school with a Free and Reduced Meal population of 51%. There are 14 classroom teachers, 1 Language Support Teacher, 3 special educators, 1 part time Music teacher, 1 Physical Education teacher, and 2 part-time Art teachers. Certificated staff also include 1 principal, 1 Teacher Specialist, 1 Title I facilitator, 1 School Counselor, 1 Social Worker, 1 Instructional Coach, 1 ELL teacher, OT/PT/SLP and part-time school psychologist. Non-certificated staff include 3 Instructional Assistants for pre-K and kindergarten, 1 Media Aide, 1 RN, 4 Special Education Inclusion Assistants, 3 custodians and 4 cafeteria workers.
Develops, engages and inspires the next generation of leaders.
Creates a collaborative community of learners by building relationships anchored in respect, courage and perseverance.
These core values are embedded in daily instruction to foster a climate of educational excellence.
Priority Goals
• Priority Goal 1 – Education Excellence and Equity for Every Student
• Priority Goal 2 – Highly Effective Professional Learning Communities and Collaboration
• Priority Goal 3 – Safe Climate and Student-Centered Facilities
• Priority Goal 4 – Student, Family and Community Engagement.