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A letter from Principal Holocker

Dr. Angela Holocker

January 31, 2022

Dear KCMS Students and Families,
It is with great excitement that I write this letter of introduction to you as the new Principal of Kent County Middle School. I am honored to have the opportunity to lead a school with such wonderful students, an extremely dedicated staff, and a supportive school community. I feel very fortunate to be part of this school and to support the students and families. I started working with Dr. Spiri the middle of January to make for a smooth transition as she leaves for retirement January 31, 2022.  
I have been dedicated to the field of education for more than twenty-four years. I started my career as a high school Biology and Chemistry teacher but spent most of my teaching career as a 7th grade Science Teacher. My seventeen years of experience in school administration includes Supervisor of Instruction, Principal in both middle and high school and Coordinator of Student Services. Prior to joining Kent County Public Schools in 2018, I was the Assistant State Superintendent of Curriculum, Assessment and Accountability for the Maryland State Department of Education.
I view education as a life-long process and expect that I will continue to learn much about the uniqueness of KCMS throughout the remainder of this year and in the years to come.  Most importantly, I bring a belief that students are at the center of all school-related decisions. I am excited to unite my experience, my openness to learn, and my child-centered approach to support our students and staff.  Because the relationships between families and the school are vital to the success of our students, I encourage you to become involved in every way possible. We are looking to revitalize the KCMS PTSA and will be looking for volunteers and mentors to support our students.  We are also asking parents to partner with us to help keep our students safe. We know that students cannot learn if they do not feel safe; therefore, we are asking you to help us remind the students that at KCMS we need all students to be responsible, be respectful, be safe and to be their best. Since we are at the mid-year point, we will be refreshing the young minds of our students of the schoolwide expectations that are in the student handbook. We would appreciate if they can be reviewed at home as well so that everyone starts the third quarter on the same page.
I look forward to meeting each of you in person in the near future but until then, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school either by phone or email.  My email address is [email protected] and my phone number is 410-778-1771. Thank you in advance for entrusting me and the staff at KCMS with your children. Speaking for the entire KCMS staff, we look forward to the second half of the year journey with your children.
Angela Holocker, Ed.D.
Attachments Available To Download:
A Letter From Dr. Holocker